Monday, September 30, 2019

Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay

Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of the most famous plays of all time. Of the many themes and representation of the human condition in this play, one of the most debated questions among critics and lay readers alike is the issue of Hamlet’s sanity. While sanity and insanity can be defined in many different ways, many critics point to Hamlet’s keen observations and clever manipulations as not insanity but confused grief in an otherwise extremely intelligent, albeit sensitive, man. Hamlet tells his friends in Act I of his plan to feign madness. After the ghost’s revelation and call to Hamlet to get revenge, Hamlet decides to assume an air of insanity to allow him a wider range of words and actions around the King and Queen. He tells Horatio of his intention to â€Å"put an antic disposition on† (I,v, 177). Individuals who are insane rarely plan their insanity. In fact, Hamlet knows that people who are crazy are more apt to get away with odd words and activities. This proves true, for he is not punished for appearing half dressed in Ophelia’s chamber or for his taunting of Polonius with references to â€Å"fishmonger† and â€Å"Jepthah. †His plan appears to be working. The King and Queen set to finding out the cause of Hamlet’s lunacy which throws them off the path of his knowledge of the murder. â€Å"He acts the part of madness with unrivalled power, convincing the persons who are sent to examine into his supposed loss of reason merely by telling them unwelcome truths and rallying them with the most caustic wit† (Bates 22). His intelligence almost gets him in trouble. His admission to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern that â€Å"I am but mad north-northwest. When the wind is southerly, I / know a hawk from a handsaw† (II,ii,384-385). While these two do not catch his meaning, the more clever Claudius does. He notes, â€Å"Nor what he spake, thout it lacked form a little, Was not like madness† (III,i,167-168) and â€Å"Madness in great ones must not unwatchedgo† (III,i,192). Of course Hamlet is consumed with grief. His choice of dark clothing and brooding countenance is apparent when the reader first meets him. This is understandable upon the death of a father and not something that Hamlet becomes clinically insane about. His depression cannot be compared to psychosis. â€Å"The mental disturbance which it causes becomes apparent while he thinks aloud, almost as soon as the ghost has disappeared; but he is not mad either in the popular or in the physiological sense; it is merely the mental derangement of a noble, but not an heroic, nature, sinking beneath a burden which it cannot bear and must cast away† (Bates 29). Hamlet is depressed, even distraught, after learning of the true fate of his father, but he is not insane. Later, after the play, Hamlet confirms his sanity to his mother in order to convince her of Claudius’ guilt and to implore her to stay away from him. Yes, his Oedipal obsession with his mother is odd for many readers, but coupled with his father’s death and the ghost’s appearance, his desire to save her is more in the realm of understandable. He tells her â€Å"It is not madness/That I have uttered. Bring me to the test,? And I the matter will reword, which madness / Would Gambol from† (III,iv, 146-150). He wants her to know that he is not crazy and to choose his side, which she does. This is one of Hamlet’s goals. Many critics focus on the To Be, or Not To Be soliloquy in which Hamlet considers suicide for the second time as being proof of his insanity. Again, a closer look at Hamlet’s words show this to be false. This soliloquy is an organized, parallel, and logical debate on the issue of suicide. A mad individual would not possess the logic to provide such a point-counterpoint style. He lists all of the vices of the world and sets them up against all the unknowns of the afterworld and concludes, logically, Thus conscious does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pitch and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action. (III,i, 84-89). Hamlet carefully weighs the pros and cons of suicide, for him, and concludes that the fear of the unknown keeps him alive. This is not an insane man. In fact, Hamlet’s supposed insanity can be compared to Ophelia’s actual insanity. Ophelia, after the death of her father and Hamlet’s mean treatment of her, has truly gone insane. She is singing songs about her dead father and about losing her virginity in front of the entire court. She is handing out flowers to the King and Queen, and eventually she â€Å"drowns† in inches of water. One critic notes how Hamlet â€Å"differs surprisingly from the pathetic inanities of the gentle Ophelia† (Blackmore 59). This contrast further shows Hamlet’s sanity. â€Å"The mad role that Hamlet plays to perfection, is certainly a proof of Shakespeare’s genius, but by no means a surety of the insanity of the Prince† (Blackmore 57). Hamlet is shown to be sane in this play. That is not to say he is not grieving, angry and depressed at various moments, but textual and critical support show that he is not insane. Works Cited Bates, Alfred, ed. The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization. Vol. 14. London: Historical Publishing Company, 1906. pp. 20-34. Blackmore, Simon Augustine. â€Å"The Real or Assumed Madness of Hamlet. † The Riddles of Hamlet and The Newest Answers. Boston: Stratford Company, 1917 Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Evanston, IL: McDougal/Little, 2003.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Rise of the Superbugs

A Superbug is a bacterium that can live in the human body and has the ability to withstand all forms of antibiotic medication. Superbugs are becoming increasingly significant in modern medicine as they are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics were discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming (Walsh and McManus, 2000). This resulted in a huge movement forward in medical history and even greatened human life expectancy. Since then antibiotics have been widely used and abused, people began to treat everything with this ‘miracle’ drug. If antibiotics are continually used as bacteria grows exponentially more resistant to them then eventually society will fall back into an era without the readily use of antibiotics. Fortunately the superbug is not currently immune to all antibiotics as some forms of antibiotics can still treat the bacteria. In years to come the superbug will become increasingly hazardous to mainstream society as it grows faster than scientists can create medication for. Bacteria are the main source for all diseases and deaths worldwide and have been on earth for billions of years, much longer than humans. Bacteria were first discovered by a Dutchman named Anton van Leeuwenhoek in the 1660’s but it wasn’t until the 1850’s that bacteria was regarded as the main cause of disease. Because bacteria have been around for so long it has evolved to adapt to most environments to withstand any other organisms. In the 1930’s Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey discovered an antibody which could destroy most bacteria and assist to fight infectious diseases. Many experiments were completed to understand the full impact antibiotics had on humans and how much was needed to rid someone of disease. Drug companies began to mass produce Antibiotics as a means of curing infections and diseases, but only a few years later scientists began to observe the bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics. Like most environments, bacteria were able to adapt to live comfortably with the Antibiotics. Darwin’s theory of evolution states that through natural selection the fittest will survive, this is the case for bacteria living with antibiotics. (Wiley, 2004) ‘The introduction of an antibiotic alters the environment and acts as a selective pressure’. They had developed a resistant by numerous ways, the most common being horizontal gene transmission. This is the passing of genetic material between bacterial cells and can be done by three different processes. The first being Conjugation, which is the transmission of resistant genes through plasmids. Plasmids are small strands within a call which are able to replicate the DNA of a chromosome and carry information around the cell and to other cells. It allows the cell the ability to adapt to different environments. The bacterium achieves antibiotic resistance by direct contact with another bacterium where the plasmid moves into the other cell through a protein tube called a Pilus. The second is Transformation, a cell will pick up DNA from their environment, usually from other dead cells and then incorporate it into its own genetic makeup. The third is called Transduction. This is where bacteriophages, which are small viruses, pass through bacteria injecting themselves inside. When a phage moves to the next bacterium it carries a small amount of the genetic code from the previous cell, allowing the DNA to pass between cells. Wiley, 2004) (Bailey, 2013). These bacteria then split and multiply, creating a bacterium that is resistant to most antibiotics and these are known as superbugs. Superbugs are growing at an exponential rate, with more antibiotics used, bacteria has the perfect environment to create an ideal resistant bacterium. For many years now scientists have known of this increasing issu e, attempting to create new forms of antibiotics while the bacteria will always adapt and grow resistant to. To quote Alexander Fleming: ‘The greatest possibility of evil in self-medication is the use of too small doses so that instead of clearing up infection the microbes are educated to resist penicillin and a host of penicillin-fast organisms is bred out which can be passed to other individuals and from them to others until they reach someone who gets a septicemia or pneumonia which penicillin cannot save. ’ (Walsh and McManus, 2000). The superbug poses a huge threat to society in many ways and it raises many issues. How should the patient be handled? How many different types of antibiotics are too much for a person to retain? How can people living in poverty prevent the spread of bacteria? The rise of the superbug produces numerous questions surrounding the care of patients and the fast spread of the resistant bacteria. The way scientists and doctors treat and care for their patients should be top priority, but when the patient is either living in poverty or in an area with limited resources it becomes difficult. In many poor cultures the superbug is growing much faster because they don’t necessarily have the understanding to prevent the spread of bacteria. In places like India and Pakistan antibiotics can be bought readily at pharmacies without prescriptions. Because many people think antibiotics can cure anything they use them inappropriately, therefore creating an environment for the bacteria to grow resistant. This is a major issue in Southern Asia as the rise of superbugs is much faster here than other countries. Reasons for this include the ease of access to antibiotics, the method of isolation for patients with the superbug and the contamination of water by antibiotics. Many drug companies deposit their waste into rivers nearby, creating the perfect environment for bacteria. Isolation of patients is significant in controlling the outbreak of the superbug but in many Southern Asian countries isolation is not very well managed. Limited resources mean there is limited rooms and limited money and as a result many hospitals provide suitable grounds for the superbug. In many Western countries isolation can also be a problem but in a different way. Because some bacteria can spread so easily, isolation becomes the solution. While they are dying from that disease they are probably going to infect others. So on a public health point of view it’s better off not treating them and sending them off to die alone’ (4 Corners, 2012). Economically many drug companies aren’t developing new ways to defeat the superbug because it’s not as profitable as manufacturing drugs that people will need for their entire lives. As a result there are only a small number of companies attempting to defeat the superbug. Another area for concern is the current rate of antibiotics going into animal feed. In 1998, in the United States, 80 million prescriptions of antibiotics for human use were filled. This equals 12,500 tons in one year. Animal and agricultural uses of antibiotics are added to human use. Agricultural practices account for over 60% of antibiotic usage in the U. S. , so this adds an additional 18,000 tons per year to the antibiotic burden in the environment’ (Kenneth Todar, 2012). Politically this number is far too large to sustain as it is expensive and eventually won’t help the animals, rather it will just create more superbugs. The most important question is what is being done to prevent the rise of superbugs. Scientists develop numerous ways to do this, most failing. But recently there have been a few breakthroughs in terms of stopping the superbugs from killing humans. Firstly, more than ? of all antibiotics used are from soil. Antibiotics are also found hundreds of metres underground in caves, where the living conditions are harsh. In order for the bacteria to survive they must either defend their own resources very well or attack other bacteria, by producing bacteria killing chemicals, to get their resources. Collecting these chemicals could produce a new antibody that is extremely powerful because it has survived in such harsh environments. Secondly, just as bacteria have been on earth for billions of years, so have bacteriophages. A bacteriophage is a virus for bacteria; it injects itself into the bacterium and produces many replicas of itself inside. It will keep replicating until the bacteria splits or bursts. As there are many different types of bacteria there are also any different bacteriophages, which makes it difficult to find the right phage for the bacteria. Using bacteriophages to kill bacteria is better than antibiotics because they have the ability to adapt to their environment. Lastly bacteria can’t kill on it’s own, it must have a large number of bacteria to create any damage to a person. It was discovered quite recently that bacteria have the ability to communicate with each other, they release molecules that grow in proportion to the number of bacteria so when that number gets high enough the receptors on the bacteria communicate and change their behaviour at the same time (SBS Documentary, 2013). This is known as quorum sensing. Being able to stop the communication between bacteria would prevent the bacteria from harming people, they would be inactive. Many scientists have produced other methods to prevent the rise of the superbug but unfortunately most bacteria have evolved and become resistant. Currently there are very little bacteria that have fully evolved to be resistant to all antibiotics but in the years to come antibiotics could become ineffective. In the past antibiotics were overused, they were used to fight diseases that could not be cured with antibiotics which therefore created antibiotic resistant bacteria. Only in recent times have scientists really begun to address this issue as more and more people are developing the superbug with no appropriate cure yet. The rise of the superbug is becoming increasingly dangerous to society and many ethical, economical and health issues must be answered.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Policies on greenhouse gas emissions by Canadian industries Essay

Policies on greenhouse gas emissions by Canadian industries - Essay Example Our beautiful earth since its origination has been a ‘hotbed’ of activity. Activity in the sense, we humans has been involved in various activities, utilizing our physical as well as mental part. The activities only caused tremendous transformations, transforming our globe from a primitive one to a developed one. But, one can see that these activities not only resulted in development, but also have resulted in destructions to our earth. That is, in his/her quest to achieve advancement humans have invented or inventing many tools. The same tools have turned out to be life damaging tools, transforming into a threatening problems, damaging human lives and importantly the earth’s environment, which sustain that human lives. So, this paper will discuss the serious environmental problem of Climate change caused by Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Canadian Government response to it, particularly the industry it targets, the intent, the desired and meaningful impact of th ese government policies.Our Globe due to its position in the solar system is the recipient of comfortable warmth from the sun. This has been the feature of earth from its origination, but this favorable aspect had begun to show changes. That is, from the comfortable heat our ancestors faced, the global environment including Canada’s is being exposed to a lot more hotness causing dangerous repercussions. So, this increase in the average temperature on the Earth's near-surface air in recent years or decades have been the basis for climate change.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Patient Hourly Rounding Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Patient Hourly Rounding - Term Paper Example This understanding only reinforces the need for changes in the delivery of nursing care and health care services, towards excellence in ensuring patient safety and patient satisfaction. To satisfy this objective, however, the best means to changes that provide it have to be uncovered (Grove, 2008). Patient Hourly Rounding The concept of patient hourly rounding originated in England, where it was termed patient comfort rounds. Patient hourly rounding is built on predetermined definite protocols. The norm for protocols in patient hourly rounding is founded on four P’s, which stand for pain, personal needs, positioning, and placement. Other issues that could be a part of the protocol for hourly rounding include changing of dressings, administration of medications, and patient education. The concept of hourly rounding is based on compassionate care, and the strengthening of interpersonal relationship between the patient and the nurse, with the essential ingredient of anticipation of the needs of patients and meeting these needs (Charmel, Frameton, & Plantree, 2009). Patient hourly rounding are, thus a systematic nursing function that consists of nurses undertaking bedside rounds of patients, with a specific set of actions, and conducted over specific intervals. Thought the ultimate goal in patient hourly rounding is patient safety and patient satisfaction, the immediate objective is prevention of potential patient problems or to inhibit exacerbation of actual problems (McCartney, 2009). Recommended Change Patient hourly rounding is the recommended change in nursing care practice. The specific actions included in the patient hourly rounding are: Greet the patient Inquire if the patient needs toileting, pain control, repositioning, and blanket Place call light, telephone, tissue box, bed table, and TV control within convenient reach of the patient Provide mouth care, if required Give oral fluid, if required Provide any clarifications sought by the patient Inqu ire if the patient requires any other assistance Inform the patient when the next round will be performed (Adapted from Gardner et al, 2009, & Olrich, Kalman & Nigolian, 2012). The specific time interval will be hourly rounding. Evidence suggests that hourly rounding is superior to bi-hourly rounding in delivering patient safety and patient satisfaction (Meade, Bursell & Ketelsen, 2006). Theoretical Framework Lewin’s Change Model is an early model for planned change. The concept in this model is that a static state of behaviors in an organization occurs when the forces pushing for change and the forces striving to maintain status quo are almost equal. In other words, change is possible only when the forces pushing for change is increased, and the forces striving to maintain status quo is decreased. Lewin’s change model recommends a three step process towards attaining this objective in planned change. The first step is unfreezing, which consists of reducing the forces striving to maintain status quo. In this case, the first step is reducing the support among nurses for opposition to patient hourly ro

Thursday, September 26, 2019

U.S. Fiscal Budgeting and Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

U.S. Fiscal Budgeting and Government - Essay Example The proposal has recently sparked debates on both the Republican and the Democrat controlled Congress, an ordinary occurrence prevalent in American history especially during those times when the president puts forward his budgetary plan. Both the Republican and the Democratic parties would often disagree on what causes imbalance on the Federal budget, and oftentimes, heated debates soon ensue with regards the subject. The issue of budget in the US is an interesting topic to listen to except that ordinary Americans are not privy to the language and the esoteric terms employed in this discussion. It is also imperative that the public and the US legislators be able to pinpoint the sources of imbalance in the federal government expenditures. The president, as a rule, submits his proposal in the month of February after which it is submitted to the Congress on the first Monday of the said month. As this is only a proposal, the budget constitutes and specifies the government’s intended spending for the following fiscal year. This proposal is backed by voluminous documents aimed at convincing the Congress of the importance and value of the budget provisions. The cabinet and the agencies under the Federal government likewise submit their proposals which will consequently be included in the final version of the proposed budget (Taylor 1950). This proposal contains some line items specified as discretionary and some as mandatory expenditures. Discretionary spending obliges a yearly appropriation bill, a piece of legislation which should be enacted and determined by the Appropriations Committee of both Houses of Congress – the Senate and the House of Representatives. This spending is under the discretion of the Congress and usually lasts for one year. On the other hand, mandatory spending is a spending which also requires legislation but is not dependent on a yearly appropriation bill. Examples of these are Social Security

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Managing Youth and Community Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Youth and Community Work - Essay Example Youth clubs have a long and storied history in the United Kingdom. Though serving a modified client base, in many ways Sweatman's assessment of the need for Youth Clubs is reflected in the activities modern day Youth Services provide (i.e. companionship, useful instruction, strong guiding influence). Youth services rely on public funds to run their programmes, though they are rarely run like most public agencies. There is a strong reliance on volunteers and part-time employees, emphasizing partnerships in the community. As such, managing youth and community workers can be challenging. Understanding management needs in this field necessitates an understanding of the differing management theories from which the youth service and individual youth and community managers will draw. Some consider Machiavelli's The Prince to be the seminal work in management philosophy. However, most students in the field regard Frederick Taylor's The Principles of Scientific Management as the definitive work quantifying and describing management theory. ... y the turn of the century it was evident that informal leadership structures of the past needed to be formalized to organise and direct the ever-increasing employee base while enhancing productivity. Taylor is credited with coining the term "scientific management" as well as the first theorist of the Classical School of Management Theory. As noted by Freeman (1996), key components of scientific management include: Developing a science for each person's work Scientifically selecting, training, teaching, and developing each worker The belief that "management should do the thinking while workers should perform the tasks." (Herndon, 1997) Prosperity for the employer and employee Freeman further noted that Taylor's "Task Idea" is one of the most prominent elements of this era. The "Task Idea" focuses on planning, planning the task of each worker including planning instructions to complete the task, planning the time to complete the task, planned so that each worker performs a task most suited to their strengths. Although initially scientific management seemed to enhance efficiency and productivity, its routine nature led to worker boredom and the management-labor rift grew precipitously. Another prominent theory of the Classical School is Max Weber's Bureaucratic Management theory. Indeed, Weber is credited with coining the term "bureaucracy" to describe a given organisational structure. As reprinted in Miller (1963), Weber believed the "fundamental categories of rational legal authority" to include: 1. A continuous organization of official functions bound by rules 2. A specified sphere of competence 3. The organization of offices follows the principle of hierarchy; that is, each lower office is under the control and supervision of a higher one. 4. The rules which

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Need Of Imposing Age Limit On Energy Drinks Research Proposal

The Need Of Imposing Age Limit On Energy Drinks - Research Proposal Example This report was authorized to examine the health risks and impacts of energy drinks on the human health, particularly in adolescents because of the increasing number of emergency visits and death incidents. The research will help in drawing attention to the fact that energy drinks contain various substances in an extremely high amount causing serious health issues and even deaths. Energy drinks are extreme caffeinated beverages that are designed to boost the energy level of its consumers because caffeine has been proven as a drug to change the mood. A small can of Monster energy drink contains 160mg caffeine and people usually drink two or more energy drinks within 24-36 hours. In this regard, energy drinks are very harmful to adults but are more harmful to children and teenagers who are very young to bear such a high amount of caffeine. Recently, the death of a 14-year-old girl from Maryland was reported as a result of the consumption of two 24 ounce Monster energy drink within 24 h ours. Such a huge amount of caffeine in the body of a very young girl caused toxicity. In the US in 2011 alone, 20,000 emergency visits were reported as a result of energy drink consumption. Further, the online survey revealed that most of the consumers of energy drinks are unaware about the contents and its impacts on human health and they are assuming energy drinks as a source of safe refreshment and energy booster. In our survey, 14% participants were very young to consume energy drinks, i-e, between the age group 13-15.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Individual organizational analysis with State Farm Essay

Individual organizational analysis with State Farm - Essay Example This precedent was set after the Paul v. Virginia case in which the power of the state to regulate state based insurance and mutual companies was challenged (Grace & Klein, 2009). Major industry players characterizing the mutual and insurance sector in United States have massive global influence and market dominance. This results into increased competition between well-established insurance and mutual companies like State Farm and other small scale and state based industry players. As a mutual industry player, State Farm provides impetus for economic growth by holding trust and providing funds for economic growth and development. The development of life insurance and other human based mutual services have changed the societal view of the industry as a whole. From an industry that was once viewed with skepticism, the insurance industry has attracted significant societal support due to the values it adds to insured individuals (Turner, 2005). Technological craze has created significant impacts in major industries in the United States economy including the insurance and mutual industries. Competition is currently defined by the ability of an organization to integrate proper information technology systems into its operations as a way of increasing efficiency and accuracy. Insurance companies are currency deploying significant technological tools in the operations such as the use of mobile technology, cloud computing and interactive web 2.0 to integrate its customer service and ensure proper service delivery. It is estimated that the insurance industry in the United States spent over $40.6 billion in 2012 in information technology services and products with an aim of... With the current competitions in the market, the adoption of sound strategies defines the success of a company especially in the insurance industry. State Farm has achieved great success this far as a result of its approaches and strategies that seeks to blend with the events within the market. However, to remain relevant in the face of the current competition, State Farm should adopt a customer-centered strategy that seeks to increase customer satisfaction. To identify the different concerns of the customers, the company should organize regular open days for interaction with the current and prospective customers. From this, the company can be able to gauge the overall view of the customers and act on their different concerns. The company has developed into one major insurance and mutual company in the United States with a great pool of loyal customers thus giving it a strong market backing. However, the participation in mutual business restricts its investment opportunities and rest rains its financial source to stock and the sale of shares. The company should improve its financial and credit services especially targeting its traditional customers as this will broaden its source of revenue and cushion it from loss during economic meltdowns.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Designing a plan for collaboration Research Proposal

Designing a plan for collaboration - Research Proposal Example This demographic data is vital to the proposed collaborative plan as social status and lifestyle characteristics will impact the level of community involvement in the proposed collaborative program development and implementation. Reno maintains considerable volumes of city services designed to facilitate a higher quality of living for its citizens and improve the development capacity of the city. Some of these services related to community function include recreation facilities, the Neil Road Recreation Center, Summer Discovery Youth Camps, and the Community Assistance Center offering shelter and counseling facilities for disadvantaged or at risk citizens ( These services are supported by the City Council, the Civil Service Commission, and the Recreation and Parks Commission ( Coupled with the high presence of community-minded services is the Neighborhood Advisory Board designed to act as a forum for citizens to lodge complaints or propose suggestions on improving lifestyle in Reno ( Active involvement of citizens in improvement objectives are welcomed and required in order for the collaborative program to find ultimate success. High instances of school violence and gang presence in Reno have created considerable community-level problems and impact the city budget significantly. It is proposed for Reno city officials to collaborate with the Washoe County School District, an organization that maintains a very low drop-out ratio in grades 9-12 that is far below the national average (, 2008). Coupled with collaboration between the Regional Gang Unit, affiliated non-profits, and direct community involvement, a plan has been developed to prevent school violence and provide services to reduce gang presence in Reno. There are currently no services in place to provide this support for school and gang-related delinquency and this impacts budget and community lifestyle due to its neglect

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Monopoly - economics Essay Example for Free

Monopoly economics Essay A monopoly exists when it has total control over a particular market and controls the supply and demand for that particular good or service. An oligopoly is a structure of a market in which only a few companies own or control the industry There are natural monopolies in the economy as well which are necessary to keep the economy progressing. Oligopolies exist because of the control over the supply of a good or service is in the hands of only a select few. They can influence the prices as well as the competition. The first monopolies began over discrepancies over natural resources. Before there was government regulation the resources that were once widely available to the population were controlled by the likes of elite, rich men. These conflicts over natural resources caused the government to regulate the resources by gathering and distributing them to the public. This regulation was put into place to reduce aggression between the company and the customers while balancing the supply and demand through different companies. Natural monopolies, on the other hand, do exist. These natural monopolies are those that have been in place for a long time and cannot be easily replaced. An example of these monopolies is a public utility such as water or electric service. It is much more costly to use multiple companies for a utility is much more costly as a whole than allowing the monopoly to continue. Waterlines and electrical towers that have been built and maintained for years would be difficult to destroy or remove from the land. In an oligopoly market, the companies set the prices and work together to control the markets to block new competitors from entering the market. The way these companies compete is through advertising and campaigns to get the most loyalty from the public. By using one another they can create supply and demand for their product or service. With government regulation these few powers can also be controlled like a monopoly would be. From a laissez faire view, monopolies and oligopolies will self-correct and be naturally eliminated. For instance, Microsoft Corporation controlled the operating system market since releasing in 1985. Microsoft’s operating systems, which once solely dominated the market, now compete with Apple’s MacOS. These two companies competing have now formed an oligopolistic market. In conclusion, it is in the best interest in the government to prevent monopolies from existing. When monopolies exist they decrease the incentive to for other companies to be successful in the market. Keeping the market competitive will drive companies to create new technology and use their inventiveness to improve the economy. Only under certain circumstances should a monopoly exist and that is of a natural monopoly, and when they do they ought to be regulated by the government. Even though the government can set laws and regulations for oligopolies, it still leaves plenty of room for monopolistic activities and uneven market share.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Case Study: Mother Dairy Milk

Case Study: Mother Dairy Milk Mother Dairy Milk Case Study On Mother Dairy Abstract Mother Dairy is looking to take advantage of the opportunity which are in galore available for all milk manufactures. Mother Dairy-Delhi was set up in 1974 under the operation flood programme. it is now a subsidiary company of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). Mother Dairy sources its entire requirement of liquid milk from dairy cooperatives. Similarly, Mother dairy sources fruits and vegetables from framers/growers associations. Mother dairy also contributes to the cause of oilseeds grower cooperatives that manufacture/pack the Dhara range of edible oils by undertaking to nationally market al dhara products. Of the three As of marketing-availability, acceptability and affordability, Mother dairy is already endowed with first two. Hence no efforts are needed to make it acceptable. Its availability is not a limitation either, because if the ample scope for increasing milk production, given the prevailing low yields from dairy cattle. It leaves the third vital marketing factor affordability. How to make milk affordable for the large majority with limited purchasing power? That is essence of the challenge. Current theories of strategy and organization suggest that Mother Dairy benefit from related diversification and tight coordination of the multidivisional structure. This Project aims to probe into this issue by using theoretical framework of strategy, structure and performance. three issues will be addressed by us: a) What strategies and structure does Mother Dairy adopt in a constantly changing and turbulent developing economy? B) Do the influences of Mother Diary have interaction effects with environmental conditions? C) How does Mother Dairy make its competitor not to grasps its market in the gurgaon area? Introduction â€Å"Mother Dairy† is the single largest brand of milk in Delhi, India as well as in Asia, marketing about 1.9 million litres of milk per day.Mother Dairy commands 40% market share in the organised sector in and around Delhi, primarily because of consistent quality and service what ever be the crisis-floods, transport strike, curfew etc. Mother Dairy, Patparganj, Delhi, is presently manufacturing selling around 8.5 lakh litres of tonned milk through bulk vending shops. Mother Dairy, Delhi is an IS/ISO-9001:2000 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and IS-14001:1996 Envoirnment Management System (EMS) Certified organisation.Mother Dairy was the first industry in country to implement ISO-14031(Envoirnment Performance Evaluation) project. The comany’s Quality Assurance Laboratory is ISO/IEC-17025:1999 certified by NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratory), Department of Science Technology, India.This provides assurance to the consumer in respect of Quality and Safety of products manufactured and marketed by Mother Dairy Background of Mother Dairy The main reasons for the low yield are:  · Lack of use of scientific practices in mulching. Inadequate availability of fodder in all seasons. Unavailability of veterinary health services. Indian Dairy Products The term Indian Dairy Products refers to those milk products, which originated in undivided India. Flow Chart of Conversion of Milk Into Traditional Indian Dairy Products sMilk Cultured Condensed Acid Precipitation Shrikhand Ghee Lassi Kadbi Misti Doi Rabri Kheer Kkoa Paneer Sandesh Chhana Rasgoola Pantoda Rasmalai Burfi Pedha Kalakand Gulabjamun Major Players There are virtually 15 major Dairy Cooperative Federations in India, namely: Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd (APDDCF) Bihar State Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd (COMPFED) Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF) Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd. (HDDCF) Himachal Pradesh State Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd (HPSCMPF) Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd (KMF) Kerala State Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (KCMMF) Madhya Pradesh State Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd (MPCDF) Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Maryadit Dugdh Mahasangh (Mahasangh) Orissa State Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd (OMFED) Pradeshik Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd (UP) (PCDF) Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd (MILKFED) Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation Ltd (RCDF) Tamilnadu Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd (TCMPF) West Bengal Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd. (WBCMPF) National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is the central cooperative board of the country and was created to promote, finance and support producer-owned and controlled organizations mentioned above. Two main players – Amul of GCMMF and Mother Dairy of NDDB – is the leading brand in India. Our main focus is to analyze the strategic move of NDDB for mother Dairy from top to bottom. Thus we are going to concentrate on the progress of Mother Diary and NDDB for their future strategies. Historical Background of Mother Dairy MotherDairy is the single largest brand of milk in India as well as in Asia, marketing about 2.2 million litres of milk per day. Mother Dairy commands 40% market share in the organized sector in and around Delhi, primarily because of consistent quality and service – whatever be the crisis floods, transportstrike, curfew etc. Mother Dairy, Patparganj, Delhi, is presently manufacturing selling around 8.5 lakh litres of tonned milk through bulk vending shops. Mother Dairy, Delhi is an IS/ISO 9001:2000 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and IS-14001:1996 Envoirnment Management System (EMS) Certified organisation. Mother Dairy was the first Dairy in the country to implement ISO-14031 (Envoirnment Performance Evaluation) project. Thecomanys Quality Assurance Laboratory is ISO/IEC- 17025:1999 certified by NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratory), Department of Science Technology, India. This provides assurance to the consumer in respect of Quality and Safety of products manufactured and marketed by Mother Dairy. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) commissioned Mother Dairy in the first phase of Operation Flood in 1974. Considering the success of Dairy industry NDDB established Fruit Vegetable Project in Delhi in 1988 with SAFAL as its umbrella brand. With a view to separating the commercial activities from developmental activities, the NDDB merged Mother Dairy and the Fruit Vegetable project into a wholly owned company named Mother Dairy Fruit Vegetable Ltd (MDFVL) in April 2000. This becomes the holding company of Mother Dairy India Ltd (MDIL) – a marketing company and Mother Dairy Foods Processing Ltd (MDFPL) – a processing company. MDFPL is a multi unit company, with units at various locations in India. Mother Dairy, Delhi is one of the units of MDFPL. The company is a highly trusted house hold name for its wide range of milk products like Milk, Flavored Milk, Ice-Cream, Dahi, Lassi, Table Butter, Dairy Whitener, Ghee etc. The application for the award is being made for Mother Dairy, Delhi unit. Mother dairy has taken up the concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) wholeheartedly. The number of employees involved in KAIZENS and the no. of KAIZENS per employee are very encouraging. Mother Dairy is a member of CII-TPM Club and the KAIZENS done by Mother Dairy employees have been selected and presented in 2nd ,3rd ,4th and 5th National Kaizen Conferences held from time to time during the last three years. Our TPM efforts have resulted in increase in MTBF and decrease in MTTR, quality improvement, Cost reduction and reduction in accidents. Mother Dairy has received Best Productivity Performance award for three consecutive years starting from1987-88 to1989-90 and again from1995-96 to1997-1998 from National productivity Council and a commendation Certificate for Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award, National Energy Conservation Award 2004, Oil and Gas Conservation Award 2004, Indian Innovation Award 2004 and Safety Initiative Award 2005. Over the years, Mother Dairy has not only served the daily need of milk of the consumers of Delhi, it has also extended its milk to other States like Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh Gujarat and is expanding its wings rapidly to serve the masses. Strategically located Mother Dairy booths across Delhi and NCR make it convenient for you to pick up your daily requirement of Milk, Flavored milk, Butter, Dahi, Lassi, Cheese, Chaas†¦.mouth watering Ice Creams. The focus is on key markets for each of the categories. In the curd category, they have been in Delhi for a while now and launched in Mumbai. They hold a 60 per cent market share in Delhi, but it is too soon to gauge where we stand in Mumbai. Objectives and Business Philosophy of Mother Dairy The main stakeholder of Mother Dairy was the farmer member for whose welfare it existed. Unlike other organizations, their objective is not to maximize the profit. They are more interested in giving the best price for the farmers for their milk than in making a large profit. Thus they look at the price given to their suppliers as not a cost but as an objective. Mother Dairy had, as its main objective, â€Å"carrying out activities for the economic development of agriculturists by fficiently organizing marketing of milk and dairy produce, agricultural produce in raw and/or processed form and other allied produce†. This was to be done through: Common branding Centralized marketing Centralized quality control Centralized purchases and Pooling of milk efficiently Mother Dairy had declared, as its business philosophy, the following: ensure that milk producers and farmers regularly and continually receive market prices by offering quality milk, milk products and other food products to consumers at competitive prices and; uphold institutional structures that empower milk producers and farmers through processes that are equitable. The biggest strength of Mother Dairy was the trust it had created in the minds of its consumers regarding the quality of its products. NDDB, and its brand Mother Dairy, stood for guaranteed purity of whatever products it had produced. Adulteration was simply not done in any of its products. In India, where such trust was hard to come by, this could provide a central anchor for Mother Dairy’s future business plans. For more than 40 years Mother Dairy helping to create a national network has been adapted and extended to other commodities and areas. Their constant effort to learn and to enrich experience is central to their approach and capacities. In times to come, Mother Dairy shall strive to become a leading player in the food industry in India. Strategies Implemented 1. Focused Approach Mother Dairy wants to get into bigger markets and have bigger shares in those markets. The cooperative is also expanding its product portfolio further to match rival offerings – particularly those of Amul. For the first 22 years of its existence, liquid milk was the only dairy product that Mother Dairy offered. It was in 1996 that it came up with ice-creams. But the real spurt came about four years ago, when it introduced curd, flavoured milk, lassi and mishti doi. It introduced butter a year-and- half ago; ghee and UTH milk a year ago; and cheese, about 10 months ago. And under its frozen foods and vegetables brand Safal, besides the introduction of corn and mixed vegetables, it has come out with frozen potato-based snacks in a few months. So while the product portfolio has been growing, Mother Dairy has plans for reach out to newer markets but the strategy here is more product-specific. In liquid milk, it will initially concentrate only on four markets Delhi, its home ground; the Junagarh region and Ahmedabad in Gujarat; Mumbai, which it entered a few years ago; and Hyderabad, where it moved in a little more than a couple of years ago. They have no plans to go everywhere with liquid milk. Whats the need to get into those markets that already have strong co-operative brands? Their objective of getting into newer locations is not to make Mother Dairy larger, but to ensure that there is a large viable distribution network and consumer brand to take care of surplus milk. In Mumbai, where the liquid milk market is close to 40 to 42 lakh (4 to 4.2 million) litres a day, only about 20-22 lakh (2-2.2 million) litres a day is in the organised market and that too is highly fragmented with a number of smaller players with shares of about 10,000-20,000 litres a day. Mother Dairy claims a share of 170,000 litres a day, with the biggest player, Mahananda, selling about 800,000 litres a day and Aarey and Amul about 250,000-300,000 litres a day each. In Hyderabad, Mother Dairy claims it has a 15 per cent market share of the approximate 9-10 lakh (900,000 to 1 million) litres a day of the organised market. These are still early days in the two markets, but we are looking at 10-12 per cent growth in the overall fresh milk segment. 2. Wider Spread However, as far as other dairy products are concerned, Mother Dairy plans to expand across the board. Other than milk, for most state federations, dairy products are still a small part of their operations. So they are taking their products to regions across India, where they see enough market potential. In ice creams, it was only a bit more than two years ago that Mother Dairy entered its first market outside Delhi UP and Punjab. Today, its extended its operation to Haryana, Jaipur, Mumbai and Kolkata as well. Next year, it plans to go south to Hyderabad and Bangalore. In the case of butter and cheese, its present across north India, Mumbai and Kolkata, and has plans to enter Bangalore by year-end. In UTH milk, it has entered Mumbai and the milk-short areas of West Bengal and north-east. For ghee, although the current focus is the northern region, it has plans for a nationwide presence. As far as Mother Dairys non-dairy products are concerned, edible-oil brand Dhara has already has nationwide presence. 3. Product Differentiation While Mother Dairy still may not have a product portfolio as large as Amul, which is also expanding across the country in a big way and is a much bigger player, its doing its bit. Mother Dairy says the idea is not just to enter new markets, but to do well in those markets which mean bigger market shares in the different product categories in whichever market it is present. The drivers will be value created through quality of the offerings as well as innovations in products. This will, of course, be backed by relevant marketing and promotion campaigns.Mother Dairy are bringing in mass Indian flavours which are building up in terms of absolute percentage of contribution. Their attempt is to make the taste experience in ice creams as familiar as possible so as to increase consumption. Take the case of curd. It started off very slow but today, Mother Dairy claims its growing at close to 60 per cent year-on-year in Delhi. Here again, the Indian flavour formula seems to have worked. While curd from an MNC player is probably based on international formulation, they formulated it to taste as close to home-made curd as possible. If the offering fits well with the Indian consumer, the resistance is lower and acceptance more. 4. Smart Marketing On the marketing front, Mother Dairy says its trying to take its product campaigns and communications to a higher platform. For instance, in the case of milk, the campaigns do not talk about the obvious benefits milk is good for health, it has calcium and so on but rather it targets children and are created around ideas such as The country needs you, grow faster. As far as products such as butter, cheese and ice creams go, the campaigns have been created around taste. For butter again, the focus is on children. Here, Mother Dairy has dared to go different. Since 60 per cent butter is consumed by kids, the company wants them to sit up and take notice of its butter. Makkhan Singh, a sturdy jovial cow (a cartoon character) has been made its brand ambassador. While Mother Dairy has been carrying out school programmes games and activities – involving Makkhan Singh in Delhi, it has plans to take such activities to Mumbai and Kolkata as well. It also runs a gaming website on the character to attract children. Its cheese for children again. A couple of months ago, Mother Dairy carried out a retail activity: Cheese khao superhero ban jao, where kids buying cheese at a retail outlet were invited for a photo op dressed as superheros through Polaroid cameras; and the framed photograph was presented to them. The activity was carried out in about 150 outlets in Delhi and Mumbai, with about 20,000-25,000 snaps being taken. Cheese was also something that helped the company bond better with its retailers. In November 2005, retailers in Delhi displayed banners proclaiming, Cheese ke saath bees ki cheez, a proposal that said if a consumer buys Mother Dairy cheese, the retailer can offer him anything worth Rs 20 from the shop which worked better than offering something free with the product, which the consumer didnt even needs. The exercise resulted in better ties with retailers. A positive response made Mother Dairy to repeat it in Kolkata as well. Clearly, Mother Dairy has aggressive plans. But, strong regional brands and other co-operatives will continue to give it tough competition. Perspective Strategies applied by Mother Dairy Mother Dairy maps the future of dairying in India, setting realistic goals for Strengthening Cooperative Business, Production Enhancement, Assuring Quality and Creating an Information and Development Research. The plan was realised with the successful completion of the Operation Flood Programme and has been developed by the State Milk Marketing Federations and the Milk Producers Cooperative Unions in consultation with the Dairy Board. The goals and strategies to meet them have been drawn by its actual implementers Federation and Unions and supported by NDDB. 1. Strategy for Strengthening Cooperative Business: Recruit, train and motivate increasing numbers of women to work for Mother Dairy to achieve significant improvements in dairy husbandry, as they primarily shoulder animal. husbandry related responsibilities in rural India. Consolidation and growth in milk and milk product marketing, promoting better equity for regional cooperative brands and developing qualified and skilled manpower. Education of producer members, opinion leaders and trained professionals to be expanded and strengthened. Empower local leaders, strengthen societies and equip their staff and members with the skills and information they need. Persuade the State and Central Governments to remove the shackles on cooperative laws so dairy can compete on equal terms with other forms of enterprise. 2. Strategy for Production Enhancement: Improve the production potential of indigenous breeds of cattle such as Sahiwal, Gir, Rathi and Kankrej and breeds of buffalo such as Murrah, Mehsana and Jaffarbadi through appropriate selection programme. Cross non-descript cattle with Holestein Friesian in areas with adequate feed and fodder and with Jersey in resource-poor areas. Increase the production and use of high quality feed appropriate to local conditions. Increase production and availability of green and ensiled fodder. Encourage unions, NGOs and cooperatives to put common property area under improved pasture and fodder tree. Expand first-aid coverage through village level societies Increase vaccination of animals against HS, BQ and FMD Develop Mastitis and Brucellosis control strategies 3. Strategy for Assuring Quality: Identify and address quality related problems at every stage from the producer at the village cooperative, to the dairy plant and the process of final delivery to the consumer. Facilitate improvement of hygiene, sanitation, food safety and operating efficiency in the dairy plants and sensitize dairy personnel to product quality aspects as per international standards. 4. Strategy for Creating an Information and Development Research Link large cooperatives, Unions, Federations and NDDB in a national network that collects, adds value and disseminates information Ensure availability of analytical information for Policy Planning and Decision Support Mother Dairy has different plans for its dairy business, which includes flavoured milk, lassi, curd, butter and cheese besides its toned milks. Each of these products has a regional stronghold, with a shelf life of 10 days. However, the company is looking at alternatives that would increase the shelf life and allow the products to be distributed in other parts of the country as well. In the ice cream segment, the company has been able to capture 15 per cent of the market, and hopes to increase it to 20 per cent by 2008. On MDILs marketing strategies while the company does a lot of innovative advertising and on field activities, it spends 3-4 per cent of the turnover on marketing. All categories were experiencing a growth of 30-40 per cent per annum, and that the turnover was growing at 15-17 per cent every year. Mother Dairy had clocked a turnover of Rs 1,800 crore in 2005-06 and was looking at clocking Rs 2,200 crore in 2006-07. Diversification Moves by Mother Diary After becoming a pan-India player recently, dairy chain Mother Dairy, a subsidiary of the National Diary Development Board, is now eyeing a turnover of one billion dollar in the next two years. Following expansion of their business in other cities and with the launch of new products, they are expecting to cross one billion dollar turnover by the end of FY 2009. The dairy chains topline has been growing at a rate of 22-25 per cent per annum and is expecting a turnover of Rs 2,700 crore this fiscal. Mother Dairy will be the second dairy chain in the country after Amul to cross the one billion turnover milestone, if it achieves the target. For over three decades, Mother Dairy restricted its presence mainly in the National Capital Region in the fresh milk and other milk products segment. This year it went for a market expansion across the country. They have a plan to capture all the top six markets in the milk and milk products segment in the country. It has recently entered the fresh milk market in Hyderabad and simultaneously made foray into curd, ice-cream and lassi segments in Mumbai market. Mother Dairy markets dairy products such as fresh liquid milk, ice-creams, and other milk products. It also markets Dhara range of edible oils and the Safal range of fresh fruits and vegetables and fruit juices. Mother Dairy are present by and large in most of the big categories; now it is more about foraying into niches and value-added versions in the same categories. For instance, they have been in the curd and ‘lassi’ categories for around five-six years, but they have now forayed into probiotic curd and ‘lassi’. Advertisement and Promotion by Mother Dairy On the marketing front, Mother Dairy says its trying to take its product campaigns and communications to a higher platform. For instance, in the case of milk, the campaigns do not talk about the obvious benefits milk is good for health, it has calcium and so on but rather it targets children and are created around ideas such as The country needs you, grow faster. As far as products such as butter, cheese and ice creams go, the campaigns have been created around taste. For butter again, the focus is on children. Amul butter may be selling the most, but the advertising and promotions are almost always targeted at adults, points out an analyst citing Amuls popular Utterly-Butterly campaigns. Here, Mother Dairy has dared to go different. Since 60 per cent butter is consumed by kids, the company wants them to sit up and take notice of its butter. Makkhan Singh, a sturdy jovial cow (a cartoon character) has been made its brand ambassador. While Mother Dairy has been carrying out school programmes games and activities – involving Makkhan Singh in Delhi, it has plans to take such activities to Mumbai and Kolkata as well. It also runs a gaming website on the character to attract children. Equity and empathy are being built for the brand, the values for which it stands, and the various other Mother Dairy products, which draw their core values from Mother Dairy milk. Its cheese for children again. A couple of months ago, Mother Dairy carried out a retail activity: Cheese khao superhero ban jao, where kids buying cheese at a retail outlet were invited for a photo op dressed as superheros through Polaroid cameras; and the framed photograph was presented to them. The activity was carried out in about 150 outlets in Delhi and Mumbai, with about 20,000-25,000 snaps being taken. It claims that the exercise resulted in better ties with retailers. A positive response made Mother Dairy to repeat it in Kolkota as well. Clearly, Mother Dairy has aggressive plans. But, strong regional brands and other co-operatives will continue to give it tough competition. It will not be a cakewalk anymore. Mother Dairy and Its Programme for Management of Change Mother Dairy looked at all its operations, strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities available, and came to the conclusion that it had to become more customer centred (rather than merely being farmer or supplier centred). This required paying close attention to the customer needs and quality. Mother Dairy realized that it was not enough that Mother Dairy itself was wedded to these ideas; the entire supply chain had to conform. Hence it launched a â€Å"Total Quality Management† or TQM to ensure the high quality of the products from the starting point (the village farmer who supplied milk) right through the value chain until it reached the consumer. This meant the need for the involvement of farmers, transporters, factory personnel, wholesalers and retailers, each of whom had a role to play. What began as a TQM movement radually became a movement for management of change in the entire value chain. Mother Dairy’s Management of Change (MOC) initiative was launched in six areas: cleanliness of the dairy co-operative societies, planning and budgeting of the dairy cooperative society, artificial insemination service, quality testing and milk measurement by the dairy co-operatives, animal feeding and management practices and self leadership development. Analysis and the Result of The Case The strategy implied by Mother Dairy was that it wanted to increase its market share by providing the best quality to its consumers and building trust with the customers in the long run unlike other organization, there objective is not to maximize profit. Their strategy involves paying the best price to the farmers then making a large profit. Thus there objective is to give the best price to there suppliers. Few common strategies adopted by them is as follows: Common branding Focused approach Product differentiation Smart Marketing Product enhancement and assured quality etc Recently to increase its market share it has introduced several new products positioned against its competitors like amul. Some of the items are ice-cream, lassi, curd, mishti doi etc. The modus operandi includes providing the best quality and taste which is almost a substitute to the home made products. So the mother dairy is trying to get more familiar taste and come closer to the consumers directly. In case of the marketing of the mother dairy products as in the case example of marketing of cheese, in which they have targeted a age group. They are much targeted to a particular age group especially kids and a younger people who are in the growing age. End Notes Mother dairy plans to increase its market share with the introduction of new products and enhancing its market outside delhi to other places. Mother dairy has launched its ice-creams ,curd ,probiotic curd, sweet curd etc. to increase the market share. The advertisement strategies used by Mother dairy is also unique and better than its competitors. A specific age group is targeted and effort is made to sustain that age group of customers. Also profit is the least important motive of it but customer satisfaction is the main roots of their growth. . Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. articled=19121 6. 7. Empowerment Case Studies: National Dairy Development Board 8. 9. Opportunities and Challenges in the Indian Dairy Industry – Dr. K. G. Karmakar and Dr. G. D. Banerjee

Thursday, September 19, 2019

junk :: essays research papers

Cody Harris World History – 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  March 24, 2002 Chapter 21 Vocabulary 1. Philip II- son of Charles V, he inherited Spain, and Spanish Netherlands, and the American colonies. He was shy, serious and deeply religious. When the king of Portugal died without an heir, he gained the empire by being a nephew. His empire provided him with a enormous wealth. He also helped to drive the Muslims out of Spain. 1588, he launched the Spanish Armada but was defeated. 2. El Greco- real name Domenikos Theotokopoulos but called by the Greeks as El Greco meaning â€Å"the Greek†. His art often puzzled the people of his time. He used brilliant colors, sometimes clashing. His paintings showed deep Catholic faith of Spain, painting saints and martyrs as huge long-limbed figures that have a supernatural air. 3. Divine Right- the idea that God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on earth 4. Absolute monarch- kings or queens who believed that all power within their state’s boundaries rested in their hands. 5. Edict of Nantes- a declaration that the Huguenots could live in peace in France and set up their own houses of worship in some cities. 6. Cardinal Richelieu- the ruler, in effect, of France under Louis XIII (1624), he had been a hard-working leader of the Catholic Church in France. He tried sincerely to lead according to moral principles, he was also ambitious and enjoyed exercising authority. He moved against the Huguenots, believing that Protestantism often served as an excuse for political conspiracies. He also sought to weaken the nobles’ power. He ordered nobles to take down their fortified castles. He increased the power of government agents who came from the middle class. He also wanted to make France the strongest state in Europe, and in order to do this he involved France in the Thirty Years’ War. 7. Skepticism- the idea that nothing can ever be know for certain 8. Descartes- a brilliant thinker wrote Meditations of First Philosophy. Later became an important role in the Enlightenment. 9. Louis XIV- the most powerful ruler in French history. His reign began as a 5-year-old boy. He became king in 1643, with the true ruler of France being Cardinal Mazarin, since Louis was so young. Mazarin’s greatest triumph was ending the Thirty Years’ War in 1648. Louis gained control at the age of 23 when the cardinal died. He made it a point to be surrounded by nobles for two reasons, it made the nobility totally dependent on Louis.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Health Risks of Smoking Essay -- Cigarette Smoking Health Nicotine

The Health Risks of Smoking Every year nearly one in every five US deaths are related to cigarette smoking, that means that every year 440,000 people alone die from cigarettes. Deaths caused by alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs combined are actually less than the number of deaths caused by cigarette smoking. Being the grandchild of a grandpa who died of lung cancer from smoking, I know and understand what cigarette smoking can do. Tobacco smoke is a mixture of gases and of small particles made up of water, tar, and nicotine. The tar is a mixture of thousands of toxic chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer. Many of the gases in tobacco smoke are harmful to the human body. These include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and other toxic irritants such as acrolein and formaldehyde. Due to the high temperatures of over 1400 degrees F, the burning end of a cigarette is like a miniature chemical factory. Aside from the tar in cigarettes there is also another very potent and harmful carcinogen called Nicotine. Nicotine causes addiction to cigarettes that is similar to the addiction produced by using heroin and cocaine. Almost 80 percent of people who try smoking become addicted and only 1 in 5 smokers who try to quit succeed on the first try. A person can become addicted to nicotine in the first few weeks of trying it. Most people are unaware that nicotine is a psychoactive drug. A psychoactive drug is... The Health Risks of Smoking Essay -- Cigarette Smoking Health Nicotine The Health Risks of Smoking Every year nearly one in every five US deaths are related to cigarette smoking, that means that every year 440,000 people alone die from cigarettes. Deaths caused by alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs combined are actually less than the number of deaths caused by cigarette smoking. Being the grandchild of a grandpa who died of lung cancer from smoking, I know and understand what cigarette smoking can do. Tobacco smoke is a mixture of gases and of small particles made up of water, tar, and nicotine. The tar is a mixture of thousands of toxic chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer. Many of the gases in tobacco smoke are harmful to the human body. These include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, and other toxic irritants such as acrolein and formaldehyde. Due to the high temperatures of over 1400 degrees F, the burning end of a cigarette is like a miniature chemical factory. Aside from the tar in cigarettes there is also another very potent and harmful carcinogen called Nicotine. Nicotine causes addiction to cigarettes that is similar to the addiction produced by using heroin and cocaine. Almost 80 percent of people who try smoking become addicted and only 1 in 5 smokers who try to quit succeed on the first try. A person can become addicted to nicotine in the first few weeks of trying it. Most people are unaware that nicotine is a psychoactive drug. A psychoactive drug is...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Los Vendidos Essay

Los Vendidos means the sell-outs. All the characters in the play sold-out at some point during the play. The characters sold out both their races and their way of life. I would say that the person who sold out the most was the Mexican-American because he sold-out both his Mexican, his American heritage and way of life. He wanted to be perfect, so when he found that the Americans and the Mexicans had their flaws he sold them out. He now has to search for a new and perfect race to identify with. (He will be searching for a while. ) The Mexican- American sold out his Mexican Heritage when he said, â€Å"The problems of the Mexicans stem from one thing alone he’s stupid, he is under-educated, he needs to stay in school. He needs to be ambitious and be forward looking, most important he needs to think American† (Page 382). In his statement he is only finding the bad of his people and stating it for the entire room to hear. He shows great disrespect for the Mexican heritage by saying all that is wrong with them. He shows their flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections. I believe your heritage makes up who you are and that is you, so you should never disrespect yourself by disrespecting your heritage. I believe thee way he sold-out was by disrespecting his heritage. the Mexican- American is still trying to decide weather he is going to live Mexican or American. When the Mexican-American says, â€Å"The only thing I don’t like is how come I always got to play the goddamn Mexican-American†(Page-384). You are unsure by this statement weather he is selling-out his Mexican or his American lifestyle. You know he wants to perfect because of his attitude toward playing the part of the Mexican-American. The Mexican American doesn’t know where he wants to go in life I guess this proves no matter how old you are or how much of an education you have you sell people out and walk all over them. Even if it is a person you know or need all that does not madder if you are a sell-out. You will hurt people to get what you want for yourself. The Mexican American is soon going to find he will never find perfection and he will be lost with no friends because of all the people he sold-out. The Mexican- American and his buddies need to set goal or all they will have to talk about is being sell-out with no friends.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Family life in To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

In order to appreciate To Kill A Mockingbird fully, we should be familiar with some of the background of its setting. The South in the colonial times grew into an area with large cotton plantations and small cities. Because of the necessity for cheap labour to pick and seed the cotton, Negro slavery took a strong hold there. At the outbreak of the American Revolution, there were over 500,000 slaves in this country, with by far the greatest number in the South. As time passed, plantation owners formed a landed aristocracy. The Negroes, though slaves, gained a measure of economic security. On the perimeter of this were the poorer white farmers who either owned small pieces of land or worked as sharecroppers. To Kill a Mockingbird is set against this background of 1930 Southern life. The Finches are a family who once had a large, successful plantation. Their ancestors had been aristocratic ladies and gentlemen of the South. Now they have been reduced to gentile poverty. They are better off by far than the Cunningham’s, for example, who have nothing but their land. Atticus Finch is highly respected throughout the community mainly due to his law career. There are many different kinds of family life in â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†. There are white families who are higher and lower class and then black families. I think that Harper Lee exaggerates the family hierarchy, i.e. the lower class families are shown as being very poor while the higher-class families are shown to be almost ideal. This makes it clearer to us how different the families are. The Finch family would be an example of an ideal family, which is ironic considering that there is no mother. They are a poor family although better off than most and stand near the top of Maycomb’s social hierarchy. There is a lot of love, trust and security within the family. Atticus is a very good father and has brought Scout and Jem up to be very mature and respectful. He devotes himself to his children despite criticism from family and neighbors who think his children lack discipline and proper guidance. Atticus is a wise man, committed to justice and equality, and his parenting style is based on fostering these virtues in his children – he even encourages Jem and Scout to call him ‘Atticus’ so that they can interact on terms as equal as possible. Throughout the novel, Atticus works to develop Scout and Jem’s respective consciences. He tells Scout to put herself in a person’s shoes  before she judges them. Calpernia acts as a mother figure and is treated as one of the family. She is also their ‘bridge’ between the white world and her own black community. Calpernia’s own family may be black, but they are respectful and clean, good Christian people, who are better than some of the white families. Again, Tom Robinson and his family are black but he is honest and respectable. However they are still inferior to the extremely lower class white folk. The Ewell family is known as ‘white trash’. They would be at the very bottom of the hierarchy. They represent the dark side of the South: ignorance, poverty, filth, and hate-filled racial prejudice. In contrast with the Finch family they show poor parental care. Bob Ewell is a father of eight who is a drunken, permanently unemployed member of Maycomb’s poorest family. The attitude and actions of the father influence the children’s behavior and attitude. i.e., they are renound for attending only the first day of school. Like the Ewells, the Cunningham family is very poor. They are uneducated country farmers but are honest and hardworking. They take nothing unless they can pay it back in their own way, for example leaving Atticus stove wood, hickory nuts and holly to pay for his services. The Radley family is a very good example of parental failure. Their son Boo is an intelligent child emotionally damaged by his cruel father. The parent’s mistreatment of Boo has resulted in his life being totally ruined. They are also the centre of Maycomb’s gossip and from this, we get the impression that Boo is a violent and nasty man, when actually he is kind and befriends and protects Jem and Scout. We don’t hear very much about Dill’s family, but from what we do hear, we can see that he has a very difficult situation where he comes from a broken family. Dill spins grand tales about his father but runs away from home later in the book because he feels his mother and stepfather don’t care about him. Harper Lee makes it very clear to us that parents influence children so much so that we can see the enormous difference between the Finches and The Ewells. We are introduced to a good black family that is  destroyed by a drunken bum who is unfortunately white. This complicates us to show the intricacy of the moral values that were unjust at the time.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

 The Construction of Self-Ownership

The construction of Self-ownership through reflective surfaces.None of us have ever really truly saw our faces. We saw ourselves through mirrors and reflective surfaces, which posses a primordial role for viewing the self. But what if the mirrors we are using everyday are lying to us?Ourselves experiencing our own body is very different than imagining our body or seeing it in front of a mirror or experiencing ourselves looking out of our eyes. We are likely to experience our body as something apart from ourselves, something we have to look upon. The body seems to be more of a an external instrument for who you are than who you are. Our body is a tool where we can inhabit who we really are. Our minds fool themselves believing that this tool is who we really are, but the body is only an interim transporter for the consciousness that is looking throw our own your eyes. Our minds bear off from the truth through the our own constructions of our inner image, which is made by mirrors or other reflective surfaces. In the absence of them, we might would not know what we look like. We would just experience our persona and the environment without a full awareness of our external physical image. Our mind would still build other self-images, maybe even a made-up picture of ourselves based on how people react to us, but it would be much arduous to identify with an image that was not constantly being reinforced by mirrors. How we perceive and think about ourselves is the self-concept. Being aware of it is having a concept of ourselves, a feeling of being disconnected and divergent from others. Corporal self-consciousness refers to the awareness of the interaction of our body in space with other objects. The occurrence of seeing ourselves with a third-person point of view threw reflective surfaces or mirrors. How see ourselves through a mirror influences the representations we have of ourselves compared with an accurate third-person point of view. Mirrors are fundamental instruments for understanding and reviewing the self. Mirror reflections of one's constitution can be identified the near person's body space, which empowers overhauling of our bodies representations. We use mirrors for visual references and navigations of complex actions and to acknowledge ourselves. We can intuitively perceive how a mirror's reflections relate to our real bodies when we are situated facing one. Viewing the self in a mirror of a reflective surface involves a spatial transformation process over and above pure recognition of oneself in pictures and images.We use mirrors for visual references and navigations of complex actions and to acknowledge ourselves. We can intuitively perceive how a mirror's reflections relate to our real bodies when we are situated facing one. A spatial transformation is affecting by watching ourselves in a mirror or reflective surface, differing from the process of the recognition of the self through photographs. Mirrors poses the power to steal our peace. Some people want to feel good about themselves but what they see on a piece of metal devastates them. A lot of us can probably recall hearing someone describing themselves with a list of negative adjectives and the next step they they take is standing in front of a piece of metal and in their eyes their lives are ruined. Did this person ever saw their face with their naked eye? No. This implies that we, human beings, let myths and hypothesis dictates our lives. It is a lie that we are telling to ourselves. A piece of a metal that is a human invention and has the power to give you pain or satisfaction, amongst other positive or negative feelings. It can maybe be considered that this artefact is one of the ultimate methods of self-imposed distress due to the fact that it plays with the ones unconscious and conscious fears. As Jorge L. Borges wrote in the first paragraph of his poem â€Å"Los Espejos† (The Mirrors): â€Å"I, who have felt the horror of mirrorsNot only in front of the impenetrable crystalWhere there ends and begins, uninhabitable,An impossible space of reflections† The visual material from a mirror's reflection of our body is directed back to the body itself in front of the mirror. During the mirror complete body illusion we do not experience a referral of touch towards the location of the observed image or feel as though we are filling the place in the same spatial position as the image that we see. Instead, due to our inherent knowledge of the mirror's transformations, the visual content from the mirror reflection is interpreted back to our own body. The global experience of the complete body illusion is thought to comprise of diverse components. These components include referral of touch, the feeling that the touch one feels are the same as those one sees, as well as explicit feelings of ownership. The mirror surrenders us to a extracorporeal experience. The sensation of the projected out of the body and the allowance of seeing one's own body from the point of view of an external observer or even be able to project other places. There is a confrontation to an encounter that can be claimed to be experienced as a separation or unfolding of of the body. Reflective surfaces and mirrors help us to have a relationship and connect with the person we really are as a whole being. We don't see ourselves as someone but as an image of ourselves. We construct a subjective trace of our portraits, maybe this is the challenge we must phase.

Automobile and Toyota Company Essay

BPMM6013 Marketing Management 1. Toyota has built a huge manufacturing company that can produce millions of cars each year for a wide variety of consumers. Why was it able to grow so much bigger than any other auto manufacturer? The Toyota Company grow so much bigger than any other auto manufacture because of the act according to preference of the customer Market segment. Toyota Company produce large range of subcompacts to luxury and sports vehicles to SUVs, trucks, minivans, and buses. They segment their product according to need of customer. They create their market segment. They produce Scion car that is target the teenage and it becomes famous among the teenage. 2. Has Toyota done the right thing by manufacturing a car brand for everyone? Why or why not? I think Toyota Company done the right thing by manufacturing a car brand for everyone. They manufacture a really great range of exciting new cars which will open people’s eyes and minds. They analyze what a customer need and develop the same feature automobile in the comparable price. They divide their market segment. In the market there are di&erent people with di&erent perception. Toyota prove they produce wide variety of the auto that will use by di&erent types of customer. They try to develop the auto according to the customer perception. They want to satisfy each customer. The price range of the Toyota Company is lies very expensive to inexpensive. Toyota automobile are in the reach of middle class to high class such that the user of the Toyota automobile are very much higher than other automobile company. Toyota understands that each country de’nes perfection di&erently. AMI JOSELINA ABU BAKAR (814481) 1 BPMM6013 Marketing Management 3. Did Toyota grow too quickly as Toyota suggested? What should the company do over thenext year, 5 years, or 10 years? How can growing companies avoid quality problems in the future? Toyota Company grows too quickly as their suggested. Toyota is integrating its assembly plants around the world into a single giant network. They do customize on the car according to the need of the customer. Toyota’s need to keep their product’s selection and quality superior to their competition. Toyota company are become one of the successful manufacturing company due to their consistent quality. They have to maintain their performance quality. Whether they customized the car or develop new model according to customer need they need to maintain same core quality all around the world. They need to maintain reliability on automobile. The same superior quality and dependable should be maintaining. The design of the automobile should be unique and while developing new model design car they need to maintain core material as same. They need to customize regular according to the customer. They need to maintain extraordinary look for each model. Such that it will look very distinctive than competitor. They need to produce high quality and high speci’c design automobile. They need to give services after the purchasing the product and more ever they have to delivery every item in the time. They need to create more value of automobile by giving some of the discount or either by various services. They need to provide e-support for their customer and they need to update their information through the media. As we know people perfection are di&erent according to the geographic area. A great product by itself is not enough so the Toyota need to advertise themselves according to customer perfection at that place. They need to make market strategy di&erently in di&erent country. The Toyota Company is giving Guaranteed Auto Protection to their customer. They need to keep it up. AMI JOSELINA ABU BAKAR (814481) 2.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Modern Day Sir Thomas Moore

Concerning the government, very powerful people have a tendency to abuse their power. This affects the citizens greatly by not having a fair system of equality. The corrupted are only out for personal gain, therefore, they manage to not do their job properly. The infamous President Nixon, as just one of many great examples. Despite the corruption, there are many figures of society that do great things for the people, but not enough to make a lasting impact.The growing issues of murder, robbery, abuse of illegal absences, and violence, have infected the streets of our country. With the idea that such things exist, why have there not been more successful tactics to stop it? It seems as though the government Is much more concerned with stuffing their pockets than Improving lower class society. Regarding the government, they say that they are going to take action, but there Is rarely ever truth In that statement. Above the destitute are people that have more money than they could ever sp end away.In addition, there are people struggling to survive in less fortunate areas of America that could live months off the daily salary of the wealthy. They barely make enough money to have a place to live, or food to put on their table. Children starve, end up in foster care, which is a failed system in itself, and end up homeless. Instead of focusing on other countries, maybe it would be more practical to notice the problems in our own. During the wars, people at home suffer from the extreme separation of classes. Through the nations struggles, our very own country is feeling the poverty take over.It seems quite unfair that some people can blow thousands of dollars on a champagne bottle and at the same time, a child In a bad neighborhood Is starving. The separation of classes Is nothing knew. In fact, It has been around since man could start a fire with some sticks. After the thought process of social classes flourished in the human brain, there was no going back, and now the needy suffer. There was a time when they were slaves and now they are only slaves to money. This green paper that rules the human life could be seen as the seed of all issues.It creates greed and social classes, which are the source of what I am truly getting at. In spite of what we like to call the 21 rest century, we have barely stepped past the threshold into something great. Technology and medicine advances through the years, but it is all for nothing if we cannot get our country together. When I say together, I mean that word literally, as there is no sense of community amongst the people. We fight against each other's ideas and beliefs, as if there are no other ways to spend our precious time and energy.I am not saying that we should erase our differences all together, but Instead, understand that there are more Important things to fight for and It Is not with each other. Student Statement In the space below, write a statement in which you describe how well you think you did o n this assignment. How well did you fulfill the requirements of the rubric and the special instructions? I feel as though I wrote a fluent, organized, and well pieced together paper. It might feel a bit personal, but that is most of my writing. I am under the impression that the truth is your most powerful tool when writing.Your own personal paradigm of the truth will make your writing so much more riveting. First Submission Comments, Grade, and Instructions for Revision In my opinion, the points were not sewn together well, they were sprinkled throughout the first and second portion of the report. I think there needs to be a clear introduction to what I m about to read, then the body. I think the conclusion had a much better transition and the points were much more precise. Overall, I think that with a very opinionated topic there needs to be better transitions between the government, war, poverty and rich.Final Draft: America is more corrupt than some would like to admit. It is ov errun by greed, poverty, and a growing separation of social classes. Concerning the government, very powerful people have a tendency to abuse their power. This affects the citizens personal gain, therefore, they manage to not do their Job properly. The infamous President Nixon is Just one of many great examples. Despite the corruption, there are many figures of society that do great things for the people, but not enough to make a lasting impact.The growing issues of murder, robbery, abuse of illegal substances, and violence, have infected the streets of our country. With the idea that such things exist, why have there not been more successful tactics to stop it? It seems as though the government is much more concerned with stuffing their pockets than improving lower class society. Regarding the government, they say that they are going to take action, but there is rarely ever truth in that statement. Above the destitute are people that have more money than they could ever spend away. In addition, there are people struggling to survive in less fortunate areas of America that could live months off the daily salary of the wealthy. They barely make enough money to have a place to live, or food to put on their table. Children starve, end up in foster care, which is a failed system in itself, and end up homeless. Instead of focusing on other countries, maybe it would be more practical to notice the problems in our own. During the wars, people at home suffer from the extreme separation of classes. Through the nations trudges, our very own country is feeling the poverty take over.It seems quite unfair that some people can blow thousands of dollars on a champagne bottle and at the nothing knew. In fact, it has been around since man could start a fire with some sticks. After the thought process of social classes flourished in the human brain, there was no going back, and now the needy suffer. There was a time when they were slaves and now they are only slaves to money. Th is green paper that rules the human life could be seen as the seed of all issues. It creates greed and social classes, which is the source of what I am truly getting at.In spite of what we like to call the 21 rest century, we have barely stepped past the threshold into something great. Technology and medicine advances through the years, but it is all for nothing if we cannot get our country together. When I say together, I mean that word literally, as there is no sense of community amongst the people. We fight against each other's ideas and beliefs, as if there are no other ways to spend our precious time and energy. I am not saying that we should erase our differences all together, but instead, understand that there are more important things to fight for and it is not with each other.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Phil Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Phil Company - Research Paper Example Advertising can also refer to the promotion by a firm or non personal presentation of the company’s products to its potential customers as well as the existing customers. This paper will discuss the advertising strategies employed by Phil Company and how they align with its marketing goals, how the company determines the effectiveness of its advertising strategies, the different promotional strategies used apart from advertising, the best marketing research approaches that Phil Company uses to measure customer satisfaction and lastly how the company addresses gaps in customer expectation . In advertising, many companies come up with different strategies in order to provoke shoppers to purchase, obtain customer attention and even provoke shoppers to use a specific product. In this context, Phil Company has used many advertising strategies in order obtain customer attention and at the same time increase the sales volumes of their electronic products. The company has used different ways of thinking in order to come up with catchy slogans to capture the customers and consumers attention. Its creative strategies have promoted personal selling, public relations, and publicity. The advertising techniques are powerful as they increase Phil Company’s market share and at the same time edging out other firms and companies in the industry. The other advertising strategy used by Phil Company is offering lowest prices in the industry. This strategy has enabled the company to easily highlight its competitive benefits. The advertising strategies have aligned well with the marketing goals of Phil Company since the company has been able to implement and control its business activities and at the same time, the strategies have brought together the buyers and the customers in a mutual exchange of the products offered by the company. It is evident that measuring the effectiveness of advertising is not easy and sometimes it is very expensive especially

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Process of Protein Purification Literature review

The Process of Protein Purification - Literature review Example Vaccines, gene therapy and replacement (such as that in insulin-deficiency) all have helped in improving health conditions, and have been based on good elucidation of structures, research on structure-function relationships, and establishment of protein purification specific to the amino acid sequence present. With this in mind, this particular study designed a protocol to purify and characterize the a synthesis of cytochrome oxidase (SCO)-1-like protein 3966 in Streptomyces lividans. As will be seen later, better understanding of SCO proteins is still warranted, as many potential functions of these types of proteins are unclear. Moreover, SCO is a vital enzyme as the cytochrome oxidase c, and in essence the electron chain transport of the mitochondrial respiration mechanism, depends on it. Initial studies of homologues in bacteria have been the usual first step in protein characterization. Many proteins in the eukaryotic cells have been proven to have functional and structural counterparts in bacterial cells. Because of the relative ease of bacterial replication and protein purification, it is thus a method of choice in conducting in depth studies of proteins. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE I. Protein Purification There are factors to consider in doing protein purification. ... There are many kinds of column chromatography, ion-exchange, affinity, and size exclusion are just some of the more usual protein purification procedures that may be done. Affinity chromatography uses antibodies for a specific protein as part of the column through which the protein solution passes. Although it is highly specific, it is more expensive and much harder to prepare. Size exclusion, on the other hand, depends on the differences of molecular weights of the proteins that are present in the solution. In general, proteins with high molecular weight are eluted fastest as they are not able to get into the small spaces of the column, making their path down the column less impeded. On the other hand, low molecular weight proteins still pass through the tiny spaces within the column, thus slowing down their descent. Although much easier to prepare than an affinity column, a size exclusion chromatography column is less specific, as different proteins of similar weigh are eluted out at the same time, despite them having differences in characteristics, such as the isoelectric point (Burgess, 2008).. For ion exchange chromatography, these beads are charged, thus attracting the oppositely-charged proteins present in the solution to be passed through the column. Depending on the objective of the experiment, the eluent or the bound proteins are collected for further processing such as concentrating. To get the proteins bound on the beads, salt solutions of graded concentrations are passed onto the column. As the concentration of the salt increases, the beads will more likely bind to the salt than to the proteins. Thus, weak ionic proteins are bound weakly

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Impact of Location on the History of the Middle East Region Essay

The Impact of Location on the History of the Middle East Region - Essay Example How the middle Eat contributed into the development of civilization is not questionable. According to Goldschmidt Jr., â€Å"many Westerners do not know what they have learned from Islamic culture† (Goldschmidt, 2009). From the clothes that people wear, to the games that people play, to the food that people eat and substances that people drink, the Middle East had given her own share in developing the world’s lifestyle and culture. Take into consideration the root words of cotton, chess, coffee, kebab and pita. (Goldschmidt, 2009). Looking into the Middle East’s physical setting plays a very big impact on this region’s cultural and historical nature. By definition, Middle East as running from the Nile Valley to the Muslim lands of Central Asia (roughly, the valley of the Amu Darya, or Oxus, River), from southeast Europe to the Arabian Sea (Goldschmidt, 2009). Yet, this region had stretched and shrunk complexly throughout the history over dynasty affairs and world wars. This location makes it more natural for the region to be hot and dry which led into a distinction between nomads, who were not able to live up through the challenge of the climate and farmers who were able to turn the climate challenge into productive agriculture. The Middle East is the natural crossroads of the Afro-Eurasian landmass and it is also the "land of the seven seas" (Goldschmidt, 2009). This makes the region readily accessible for all traders making the growth of their civilization even more rapid than the others. But the relative growth of civilization in the Middle East different from those that has become a world power in history like China, United States and Britain, who saw themselves as primarily isolated but were able to develop and grow as a civilized nation as well. But as regards to its natural resources, Middle East’s location, unlike the European Countries and the United States, is not gifted of grassy plains and yet, this location magnified the region’s importance because of the huge petroleum deposits present here. Most importantly, the location of Middle East, as it is, â€Å"has contributed to the diversity of its inhabitants†