Monday, July 29, 2019

The ethical dilemmas surrounding gay marriages Research Paper

The ethical dilemmas surrounding gay marriages - Research Paper Example Despite that, the past Christianity was much stricter than the present (Jonathan, 2004). Regardless of such, there are ethical implications that surround such relations. They have not been accorded certain basic benefits, rights and protection granted to heterosexual couples under the state from the federal law. Though gay couple lives in relationships that have a strong commitment on love among one other, responsibility and a right to enter into relation with a partner they choose, they are denied certain human rights legal and economic stability given by institution of marriages. Gay Rights have been denied at many instances. From the article, wedding professionals in at least six states were reported on a case of antidiscrimination. The cake baker refused on religious Grounds offer services to gay couples. In another case at New Mexico, a supreme court ruled against Albuquerque photography business. They had violated state antidiscrimination law. They refused to take photos of a lesbian couple’s commitment ceremony. Moreover, a number of cases were pending in other states such as Colorado, Illinois, and New York and other (Jonathan, 2004). Religious rights deny Gays Equality. The acceptance of gays has continued to grow in America ,but most still strongly convict them that homosexuality is abhorrent ,as gays violates some of gods most basic commandment for humanity and that acceptance of gays in America in abhorrent to God. From the article, a person is quoted saying that his refusal to cake baking on same sex marriages was not motivated by â€Å"hatred of gays† but rather a â€Å"desire to live his life in obeying Gods word." Despite such, constitution guarantee of religious liberty that protects them both there believe the right to act on their belief. They are wrong. Religious Beliefs and Religious Acts-Religiously motivated discrimination is rampant among conservative Christians. They have failed to convince

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